
Guy Steven Needler
Guy Needler MBA, MSc, CEng, MIET, MCMA initially trained as a mechanical engineer and quickly progressed on to be a chartered electrical and electronics engineer. However, throughout this earthly training he was always aware of the greater reality being around him, catching glimpses of the worlds of spirit. This resulted in a period from his teenage to early twenties where he revelled in the spiritual texts of the day and meditated intensively.

Being subsequently told by his guides to focus on his earthly contribution for a period he scaled this back the intensity of spiritual work until his late thirties where he was re-awakened to his spiritual roles. The next six years saw him gaining his Reiki Master and a four year commitment to learn energy and vibrational therapy techniques from Helen Stott, a direct student of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing TM, which also included a personal development undertaking (including psychotherapy) as a course prerequisite using the Pathwork TM methodology described by Susan Thesenga with further methodologies by Donovan Thesenga, John and Eva Pierrakos.

His training and experience in energy based therapies have resulted in him being a member of the Complementary Medical Association (MCMA).

Along with his healing abilities his spiritual associations include being able to channel information from spirit including constant contact with other entities within our multiverse and his higher self and guides. It is the channelling that has resulted in The History of God and is producing further work.

As a method of grounding Guy practises and teaches Aikido. He is a 5th Dan National Coach with 28 years experience and is currently working on the use of spiritual energy within the physical side of the art.

The Book 'The History of God' is an enlightening record of the dialogues the author has with the Origin, the Source Entity and other beings that exist in frequencies and dimensions above those of mankind.

These dialogues have revealed:

Who and what the Origin and the Source Entity are.
The authors own heritage.
How the multiverse was created and its structure.
The universe is populated with thousands of different physical and energetic life forms.
How aliens travel between the stars, galaxies, frequencies and dimensions.
How the dimensions are overlaid.
How to traverse the frequencies that fill the dimensions and ultimately traverse the dimensions.
How and why the human body was created.
Mankind's' role.
Proof that mankind is significantly more than the human body.
What Karma really is and how to avoid it.
What the Akashic records are, their different versions and what they are used for.
Correlations with ground breaking theoretical physics and micro biology.
The role the Earth has in the ascension of the universe.
Why Lucifer was called the Devil.
The roles that the major spiritual leaders had in awakening mankind to its destiny and heritage.
The roles of planets, galaxies and nature spirits.
How to exist efficiently in the universe.

A direct result of being awakened to higher consciousness functions through attunements given by beings originating from another dimension and frequency, Guy sought instruction to fine tune these new skills. One of these skills being the ability to communicate with beings external to our universe. One of these being the entity credited with creating this universe, mankind and the entities that occupy it, known as the Source Entity. The other being the creator of the Source Entity whom Guy calls the Origin, but which is recognised by many of the worlds religions as the Absolute, the creator of everything.


Guy welcomes questions on the subject of spiritual physics and who and what God is.


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