My name is Aileen and I have received information in a variety of ways for over twenty years or more.
I was told way back then to raise my children and live my life. I have been happy just doing my own thing and working with the information given to me.
At times I have not understood what I have been told but further down the line it would become clear to me, I have a lot of those Ah Ha moments.
They make me laugh and so it is with much love and laughter that I give their words to you.
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We come from a time before time as you know it. We have no physical form as you know it. You agreed to be our messenger and have been over aeons of time. You carry within you the memory of those times. Your core message has always been the same but you presented a facet of the whole each time. It is as a jigsaw, piece by piece they come together.
The time now is to bring together those pieces and present them as a whole. You are as a world at a pivotal point, which in turn means that you as an individual are also at a pivotal point, finding your point of balance. Each ones point of balance is unique unto yourself.
As we have explained to you before, an orange has an outer skin, underneath the pith, then each section has a membrane covering it, and within this segment, tiny individual seeds. The seed has a membrane and inside the juicy fluid. And there is also the pips.
This is where you have your sense of separateness. You are in your juicy membrane and you perceive yourself as separate, but all around you packed very tightly are other juicy seeds, all covered by a fine membrane. But if you take a step back from the orange you can see that you form part of the whole.
Look at the orange from a different view point: say it is your world, Mother Earth. Each section a country, a continent, you all form part of the whole.
It is most important that you really understand the concept of separateness because until you do, your world will remain the same.
The sub automic isotone frequency relates to light-energy, your world can be powered this way – ask yourself why it is not.
Cosmology and science has a long way to go before they really understand, they take the next step or not.
Now we can give you this kind of information but it is to the hearts of man that we must speak at this time, and it is so much more fun in story form.
You see how much better you feel when you laugh o’h little sparkler of light. Remember on your bonfire nights, you hold a sparkler and someone comes to light theirs from you, and so on and so on. Many people will light their sparkler from you and in turn they will light others. There we have the ripple effect, Simple !!!!
Listen to your heart, practice what you preach. Your path, your journey is yours and yours alone. Hold on to your passion and compassion for all things. To focus on one point is good but not to the detriment of all else or otherwise you can miss a very important lesson.
You are finding your point of balance which is unique to you, as it is with all others. Often is the case that one will try and find their point of balance from outside of themselves, be it people, places, a whole manor of things too numerous to mention. This is why you are out of balance with your core, your true self.
Once and only then will you be able to stand firm in who you are, and life for you will be perfect in every way, in every moment. In those moments when you find that point in yourself you radiate out an energy that is most beautiful and extremely powerful. It is that bright shining light, a beam that radiates out. Absolutely perfect, you look so beautiful at these points on an energetic form.
The colours of the rainbow radiate out and this rainbow of colours holds so many more colours that you are unaware of at this time. When you see the facets of a diamond in the sunlight this will give you some understanding of what you look like.
Go about your daily life; do not overly dwell on these matters. Listen to your body and take heed of what it tells you. Make your plans, dream your dreams. You will be guided in many different ways. It is fortuitous that you have a great capacity for laughter. I say again, dream your dreams. Your mind is a powerful tool.
Do you think that suddenly on a given date all will change, there is always an ebb and flow to these, a natural progression.
The configuration of particular words create a particular energy and these are key notes to awaken the soul. This is why we correct you, it is of great importance. (As I started typing this last paragraph, the type changed and it went to bold. I looked at the name of type and thought it said Cosmic Sans, just done a double take and it is in fact Comic Sans)
You may make copies of these messages and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author (Aileen), and include links back to this site, the original source.