by: Guy Steven Needler
This Article is the first of a number of articles that will be written to accompany the The History of God channelled works.

That was until one year, I was able to explain Newton's Inverse Square law theory of universal planetary movement (gravitation) to my Physics teacher, a feat that even he struggled with, and to top it off I commented on the "fact" (not fact then) that we could weigh light! My teacher told me that I was both a genius and an idiot in one sentence. Then about a year later it was announced that Scientists had identified light as a particle, the photon, and that it had mass and therefore weight (this is still a bone of contention today!).
How could I know such things, things that were on the cutting edge of science, or, were hard to explain. with current levels of human understanding? Specifically when I had no training or experience to base my comments on, comments that were made on subjects where I instinctively knew the answers, answers to questions that had not yet been asked. I was, I now know, channelling the information from the universal pool of knowledge that is available to us all, if only we would allow ourselves the time to use our natural abilities, abilities that the vast majority of mankind brush aside in the rush to function and survive in modern physical life. I was communicating with the Source.
I, like all of us here on earth, have a number of evolutionary experiences to go through before embarking on the larger world task I signed up for. So nearly thirty five years passed before my attention turned back onto the greater reality. That required training from a number of spiritual teachers to "de-program" me from the physical and re-awaken me to the greater reality. This, augmented by my interest in the deeper meaning of the universe and my work as an engineer, has allowed me to act as a channel for the creator of our universe/multiverse, the Source Entity.
It therefore makes complete sense that the information I am receiving has a scientific/engineering base to work from. Along with this, I gain general advice on how to live life in the physical without being attracted to the intoxicating sensations of the physicals lower frequencies, which ultimately result in. personal frequency reduction.
So let's take a closer look at ourselves. We are spiritual beings, no, we are energetic beings. The words spirit/spiritual are a fashionable description that can miss-lead the un-educated into to thinking that spiritualism is a "higher" form of religion, it is NOT religion. "Spirit" actually refers to the non-corporeal essence of a being or entity, that has sentience but cannot be seen or detected by the human senses, augmented by machinery or not. Being "spiritual" is the recognition of this.
It therefore makes complete sense that the information I am receiving has a scientific/engineering base to work from. Along with this, I gain general advice on how to live life in the physical without being attracted to the intoxicating sensations of the physicals lower frequencies, which ultimately result in. personal frequency reduction.
So let's take a closer look at ourselves. We are spiritual beings, no, we are energetic beings. The words spirit/spiritual are a fashionable description that can miss-lead the un-educated into to thinking that spiritualism is a "higher" form of religion, it is NOT religion. "Spirit" actually refers to the non-corporeal essence of a being or entity, that has sentience but cannot be seen or detected by the human senses, augmented by machinery or not. Being "spiritual" is the recognition of this.
Corporeal life is something we choose to undertake to allow us to have experiences in the lowest of frequencies possible to an energetic being. To do this properly we need a vehicle and the vehicle chosen for this planet and frequency is what we recognize as the human body, but it comes with a price. That price is the loss of communication with that part of us, the majority, that remains in the energetic. The loss of communication has two reasons.
Firstly, we adopt to work on experiences without the benefit of existing in an environment where time does not exist, allowing us to know the outcome of our actions before we act upon them. Secondly, we simply don't have the "band width" whilst we are associated with the lower frequencies of the physical to communicate robustly enough with that part of us that remains in the energetic to make any sense.
To be continued....
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