by: Lee Harris
Many of you will have felt a new energy arriving around the 1st of January. A palpable sense of closure on 2011, and a strong sense of renewal in the year to come coloured the first few days of 2012.
This was a perfect energy shift, as it will indeed be a powerful ride this year, more so than the past 3-4 years. Those of you who feel mild panic as you hear this, remember that if you have been through great intensity in recent years, the ability to stabilise will be more available to you than ever in 2012. For most reading this, while 2012 will have some personal challenges, it will be those you are surrounded by that will need the most support. Many of you will feel a greater ease and freedom around life than you ever have, regardless of what is occurring around you.
January begins 2012 with a series of energetic bangs. Energies this month will move between extreme peace and well-being, into sudden chaos, or strange and unexpected happenings. Imagine it as a month that is like peacefully traversing an invisible asteroid field. All may seem calm and clear up ahead in one moment, then suddenly you may hit something unexpected. This will show up occasionally in practical dealings in your life, but mostly in communication and relationships between people. Being aware of this will help minimise any shock, and keep you centred when invitations to lose your centre arise.
Emotions continue to rise in people, in tandem with the mass awakening on the planet. Yet as a collective, our communication abilities have not yet upgraded to meet this new rise in emotional intensity. So conversations about seemingly trivial things will be powered by high emotions. Many people need to express their emotions regularly now, in order to release the anxiety and primal fear they are feeling. This is part of the release process we are going through as a world, in order to transform. But many are still unconscious of this or unaware of how to communicate emotionally. So you will see high levels of emotion being pushed through seemingly trivial areas of conversation, and people flaring up will be a common experience in January.
Some of you who don't relate any more to the old ways of being and communicating, may find yourself drawn into some of these dynamics at moments. And when observing your behaviour afterwards, you may be surprised at some of the words you said and actions you took. While it may feel as if you regressed for a while, trust this if it happens. It is part of the letting go of the past for you, as you attain higher levels of feeling and communicating. But recognise too that in joining this kind of dynamic with a friend, loved one, or stranger, you are not only clearing some of your own emotional history, you are also joining in the dynamic to create a quicker shift for the two of you. So it is a partnering in an upward shift for both of you and need not be judged after the event.
As with anything on our planet of duality, the flip-side of the above is that many partnerships and working unions will go from strength to strength this month. Sometimes as a result of the above intensity, or simply because you are stabilizing higher levels of peace and togetherness in yourself now. So modelling and experiencing this unity in relationships will be much easier than before.
January is historically a month that we hold a collective pattern around. The first 1-2 weeks often contain a great deal of positive and release energy, as people focus forward with intentions and resolutions. But it doesn't usually sustain, so by weeks 3 and 4, a depression or disillusionment can set in for some, as the collective tide on positivity begins to 'go out'.
So if you feel positive now, you can harness and strengthen its longevity by keeping a strong routine for yourself in January. This will help stabilize your own energy and not simply ride on the collective waves of the world, which will be shifting in the 2nd half of the month.
Get grounded in your actions, your health and your attendance to regular exercise. Remember that even just a walk moves your energy, so if you do not feel strong enough to actively exercise right now, trust that, but commit to a regular walk or an equivalent movement meditation.
Finally, take as much personal rest as you can this month. The Christmas period is always tiring for people in ways they often don't notice, but this year held a particularly high energetic intensity.
So if you did not get much of break from people, take some time alone these coming weeks to recharge and reset yourself. The energy is very different this month, and 2012 will have a different speed and feeling to it than anything we have gone through before. It is important to allow your body, emotions and mind to see and feel this. Just as an animal entering new territory will use its senses to assess a new place before they enter, it is important we all acknowledge the power of what we are walking into this year. And only silence with the self, can facilitate this, and allow the senses to truly feel what the new territory is.
So even if you only manage 5 or 10 minutes of this silence with yourself each day, give yourself this space in the coming weeks. It will pay dividends to your balance, and your ability to walk into the highest opportunities for you.
In love and peace to you all and may it be a wonderful year for you.
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