Thursday, 24 November 2011

Abraham Answers Some Cosmological Questions

source: youtube
by: Ester & Jerry Hicks

Esther & Jerry Hicks have been creating and distributing the Abraham material for nearly 25 years, and are the authors of numerous audio recordings, videos, and books based on the Teachings of Abraham. Their books routinely make the New York Times bestseller list.
Esther explains that Abraham (no relation to the Biblical figure) is analogous to her "Inner Being" or "Soul", and that she has learned to translate impulses from this Non-Physical energy using her own vocabulary.

For more information, please view our YouTube video entitled "Introduction To Abraham", or go to our YouTube channel main page and watch any of the dozens of videos linked there.

Also, you may go to our Abraham-Hicks website and listen to the free audio entitled "Introduction To Abraham", or browse the wealth of other information also available on our website.

Friday, 11 November 2011

The Reality Surrounding 11:11:11

source: The History of God
by: Guy Steven Needler

ME: There is a lot of talk in spiritual circles about the date 11:11:11, its significance being the focal point in the change in energies associated with the Earth and its ascension. Can you offer any advice on this date, the ascension and whether they are linked in any way.

SE: Your readers should see me smiling the smile of one who is always surprised at mankind’s ability to put a spiritual label on dates that are easily made into a palindrome by stealth. 11:11:2011 is not a palindrome hence the smile. In essence it is cheap, low grade spiritualism, which will only serve to lose the personal credibility of those spiritualists, who promote this type of misinformation when no big identifiable change occurs.

Energetically this date has no bearing on a change in frequency nor the ascension, for this is a gradual change that has been in process for over three to four decades. Those sensitive enough will have noticed that over these last decades they have been able to gain access to certain information, or have gained interest in spiritual subjects, that they would not have been interested in, or have been able to access previously. This is the true measure of the level of rise in the Earths base frequency, and provided humanity continues on the path it is currently on, the base frequency will continue to rise at a rate equal to the total spiritual contribution of the Earth's population.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Spiritual Psychology: Channeling the Muffled Voices at Night

source: in5d
by: Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Did you ever hear voices right before you were about to fall asleep?

As a mental health professional, I’ll probably receive ridicule and a complete disconnection from the medical community for this topic but it’s something that needs to be addressed within the field of psychology: channeling.

Ever since I was a child, I heard muffled voices at night right before falling asleep which sounded like a conversation in a nearby room, yet I knew that these voices were not my parents or sisters.  I assumed that everyone heard these voices and never spoke to anyone else about them until I was older, and even then, I was very selective who I told this to.

As a child & family therapist, it would not behoove my credentials to admit this to anyone within the mental health field as most professionals are trapped inside the box and would misdiagnose this ability as schizophrenia, which clearly, it isn’t.

Many times, religious zealots will accuse channelers of being possessed by the devil, which I find very ironic because many of the stories in the bible are basically channeled messages from God.  Once again, Christianity shows its hypocrisy.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Preview - Tom Kenyon Documentary

source: woodycreek pictures

The Boy Who Sang to the World:  Sound Journeys with Tom Kenyon

A documentary about one man’s quest to merge modern science, ancient mysticism and sacred sound to awaken humanity’s potential.

The Vision:
Imagine a film about the mysteries of sound that has the power to transform audiences. A film that can blend science with spirit to inspire breakthroughs in consciousness.

That is the vision of The Boy Who Sang to the World.

Twenty years ago, Tom Kenyon was on his way to fame as a country singer in Nashville. But a car that burst into flames and intervention by a psychic led him to discover the power of his own voice to heal.

Since then, Tom has built a bridge across a complex divide, marrying spiritual traditions with modern science to become one of the most respected sound healers alive today.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Hathors - Transmissions of Light, A Reminder

source: Tom Kenyon
by: Tom Kenyon

A Hathor Planetary Message

The World Meditation on 11/11/11

The actual “Transmissions of Light” World Meditation (as our group together in Seattle will experience it) will run from 9 pm until 10 pm November 11th PST. Note: This is 5 am – 6am Saturday, November 12, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).

During this specific hour Hathors from the 5th through the 12th Dimensions will be bringing in light through sound. Hathors who reside in the higher dimensions (i.e. 9-12) are the ancient masters of their culture.

In past Hathor events, Hathors from the 5th through the 8th dimensions have participated, but this will be the first event where Hathors from the 9th  through the 12th dimension will bring in light and sound.

While the concept of dimensions is a very complex affair, in this instance the central idea is that each dimension upward means that it is subtler in its nature. And the subtler the dimension, the more potential power there is to be accessed. As a result of this multidimensional orchestration on the part of the Hathors, I fully expect a profound and potent experience for all of us.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Guy - Life, The Universe and Spiritual Physics

source: HistoryofGod
by: Guy Steven Needler

This Article is the first of a number of articles that will be written to accompany the The History of God channelled works. 

As with most spiritualists I have, from a very young age, had a feeling that I was more substantial than my physical self. Having the ability to think out of the box, to offer suggestions or explanations for physics beyond physicality, comments that would have been considered pure science fiction or fantasy, i.e. that that is not of the current level of human understanding, was common place in my youth. As a result there was a certain amount of playful ridicule offered by my colleagues at school. I was considered strange, distant and weird.

That was until one year, I was able to explain Newton's Inverse Square law theory of universal planetary movement (gravitation) to my Physics teacher, a feat that even he struggled with, and to top it off I commented on the "fact" (not fact then) that we could weigh light! My teacher told me that I was both a genius and an idiot in one sentence. Then about a year later it was announced that Scientists had identified light as a particle, the photon, and that it had mass and therefore weight (this is still a bone of contention today!).

How could I know such things, things that were on the cutting edge of science, or, were hard to explain. with current levels of human understanding? Specifically when I had no training or experience to base my comments on, comments that were made on subjects where I instinctively knew the answers, answers to questions that had not yet been asked. I was, I now know, channelling the information from the universal pool of knowledge that is available to us all, if only we would allow ourselves the time to use our natural abilities, abilities that the vast majority of mankind brush aside in the rush to function and survive in modern physical life. I was communicating with the Source.